My mum has been ranting and RAVING about her early morning beach walks and swimming in the sea come rain or shine for years but I dismissed  it and simply put it down to her being part of an older generation, because let’s face it , it’s this age group that wake up ridiculously early in the morning and sleep ridiculously early at night. Never did I think I would ever find it appealing but Covid changed those notions. When Gyms went into lockdown, I found a new heavenly alternative – jogging by the sea, followed by a dip into our blue clean Med waters.

My Monday, Wednesday, Friday exercise buddy who’s a close friend initially laughed outright at the very idea of waking up at the crack of dawn just as I had! Very soon we were quickly converted. Now, we are both hooked and nothing can keep us from enjoying the natural beauties found on our very own doorstep. We may need a nudge and a push from time to time but we have each other to act as the wake up call. We Limassolians live in a mini paradise with a beach front I never knew existed. Simply put, we have a slice of heaven and kick off each day with a mini holiday. 

So, every other morning Maria and I set for the seaside, we exercise, enjoy the water, have a coffee and head back home all before 9’oclock. It is while we are enjoying our morning coffee that we see, ‘woman at the beach’.   A majestic, tall, beautiful, woman walking slowly but gracefully on the shores. She does  her routine. We sit and watch her elegance and physique and guess that she must be in her 90s. Probably the result of vitamin sea. We are in awe of her and wonder if we too will look as good as she does at her age. Thank you ‘woman at the beach’ for inspiring us to follow in your sandy footsteps.

One thing I know for sure, I have in my 40s discovered what it’s like to carry the summer through to September and now October. Never did I imagine I would appreciate and long for the sea at this time of year, at any time of year actually. But here we are in October, the sea more welcoming than ever with  ‘woman at the beach’ in the forefront to ensure we don’t give up this early morning wake up call.

Maria x

