As time goes by, wine is becoming more and more part of our everyday lives. People seem to be interested in this high-cultural beverage and are keen on learning more about it. Forgetting the theoretical knowledge, it takes a lot of practise to get to know wine and to develop a personal taste.

Educating yourself while having fun is without a doubt the best thing you can do. Have you ever considered a themed party, based on wine tasting games? Be prepared, because this is happening all around the globe, and in my opinion, it is a fab way to learn about what you are drinking in a fun way!

Think of a wine tasting game that can be enjoyed by both wine connoisseurs and casual enthusiasts. What’s more, it is without a doubt a great way to break the ice as everyone will engage and get into the spirit of the event.

How it is done:

Select the topic of the wines that will be tasted. A few ideas can be:      

  • Specific grape variety, from different regions of the world. This will help people, understand the differences of the “terroir” (a French expression describing the local conditions, which offer every wine its individual character), in practise.
  • Specific wine region or country!
  • Compare wines of 2 countries that grow same grape varieties- you will notice the different expression of the grape and the character of the wine.
  • Do a (fun!) blind tasting. Display the wine bottles, making sure you have covered their labels. You can find stickers that cover them perfectly (using foil works just fine!) After tasting the wines, your friends can give their best shot in guessing the grape variety, the origin of the wine or even, the aromatic characteristics they can identify in it. This may be challenging but it is a great way to expand your skills and become more confident with this drink.
  • Extra tip: Ask guests to bring a bottle of their favourite wine to the party. Let everyone vote on which one they liked best!


Things you will need to make it extra fun:

  • Colourful blindfolds
  • Several bottles of wine (6 are recommended)
  • Finger food, a selection of cheeses, fruits, a charcuterie plate and some light desserts – Keeping it as classy as possible as it pairs well with the mood
  • Provide some spittoons (an individual paper cup can do the same job) for guests that do not wish to drink all of their wine.
  • Fun decoration is considered as an extra, but it is always so fun!

At the end of the night, have a “reveal” – the one with the most correct answers wins a prize!

Even if you are no winner, you will get the chance to experience something new and learn fun facts about the wines you might already love.

See you next week!

Cheers, Santé and Yiamas..

Until then.. Strike for a glass half full !

Nicole x





