First things first, the body of a wine is one of the first things we talk about at the table when analyzing, describing or requesting a wine. Saying that, I am sure you already talk about it without knowing! So, the body of the wine is an analysis of the way a wine feels inside our mouth. Respectively, wine body breaks down into 3 categories: light, medium and full.

  • Cheat sheet no.1: think of it as the Milky Way!  

For example, skimmed, whole milk and creamy. They all taste differently in our mouth, in terms of both texture and well flavor!

One of the main factors that alters wine’s body is its alcohol. The higher the alcoholic volume, the fuller the body. In the case of sweet wines, sugar is what determines the wine’s body.

Pairing tip: remember that stronger, more robust flavors (e.g. Fatty dishes with creamy sauces, rich cheeses, or heavy meats) tend to be better paired with equally full-bodied wines.

  • Cheat sheet no.2:

Light bodied: Wines Under 12% alcohol

Medium bodied: Wines between 12 – 13.5% alcohol

Full bodied: Wines over 13.5% alcohol

Hope you liked today’s bit of info!

Stay Safe. Stay at home

See you next week!

Until then.. Strike for a glass half full !

Nicole x



