Welcome to my first ever article here at the Wednesday Morning Coffee family.

Before we embark on this Green Beauty journey, I would like to set a solid foundation on why we should all have a daily skincare routine.

In my career, I’ve found that a lot of people view skincare routines as a hassle. However, it is all about the way you see it. I am a huge believer that having a daily skincare regime is a form of meditation and ritual. Devoting 15 minutes every morning and night to take care of YOURSELF is a form of practicing self-love and a way to connect deeper with your mind and body.

Maintaining a skincare routine teaches you how to listen to your skin. Is it tight, is it spotty, is it flaky? This is how our skin manifests its issues, by bringing them to the surface. Our job is to listen and nurture it. Ultimately, you will understand your skin better and know how to handle it. For example, if the weather gets too cold, your skin will get drier so you will need to add a couple of drops of oil in your moisturiser to make it extra nourishing.

Your skincare routine should always start with cleansing. In the evening, use your cleanser to remove environmental pollution, oil, dirt, and make up off your face. You can also choose to see this step in a more symbolic context; as if you are ‘’cleansing” all of that built up stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts that you accumulate throughout the day. It is a habit I never skip since I find that it really helps me go to sleep feeling calm and worry-free.

After cleansing, you should tone. Using a toner or a mist is not essential, but it’s a great way to introduce some aromatherapy into your skincare regime. Using a floral essence as therapy for your mind, aura and of course skin could be as simple as organic rosewater, or a more complicated mix of various herbs and essential oils that help you relax, wake up, or de stress depending on the blend. My 2 favourites are MV Organic Skincare Rose Hydrating Mist, and Amly’s Digital Detox Facial Mist. It’s also worth having a look at the Lotus Wei Aura mists. Remember to take big deep breaths while you are misting!

I’m going to leave you here today… I hope you enjoyed this small introduction into the mental benefits of having a daily skincare routine.


Until next time,

Melanie x


Products Mentioned:


  1. MV Organic – https://www.contentbeautywellbeing.com/products/mv-organic-skincare-rose-hydrating-mist?variant=25160575751


  1. AMLY –


  1. Lotus Wei – https://www.contentbeautywellbeing.com/collections/lotus-wei





