Last year for my birthday I was lucky to cross sky diving off my bucket list! As a very intense experience in all of its phases, 1 year later there are still lessons to be learnt.

“When was the last time you faced a fear and grew out of your comfort zone?”

  1. Facing and overcoming fear (Prior to jumping):

Like most things in life, fear can and should be faced with a smile. If we can accept and face fear with a smile and a can-do attitude we can become invincible. Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if you were fearless?

All amazing things are on the other side of fear but Will Smith words it perfectly “Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real. But Fear is a choice! ” So if fear is a choice, don’t you agree that it is better to choose NOT to be afraid?

  1. Being 100% in the present moment (During the jump):

Being in the present moment is when you fully experience life. A conversation with a friend, enjoying a sunset, working on a new project, working out or being on holidays with your loved ones allows you to truly enjoy and experience all feelings because you live in the present moment.

We are bombarded with distractions on a daily basis therefore there are limited times, if any, that we are fully present.

Meditation is one of the best ways to train your mind to be in the present by mainly focusing on your breathing. Music is another way that one can experience being in the present moment, especially whilst playing a musical organ.

Coming back to the sky diving point, I have never, ever experienced being in the present moment more than when I was free falling from 11,000 feet. The feeling is pure bliss, you feel one with everything and it is truly as if you are flying. Of course all this is over in just 30 seconds. But those 30 seconds are as close to euphoria as I have ever gotten.

“Being present is the best present you can gift yourself and those around you”.

  1. Enjoy being out of your comfort zone (After the jump):

On the way back home I slowly started to realize what I had just experienced! I felt really proud of facing my fear of jumping out of a plane at 11,000 feet head on. I felt as if my comfort zone had just expanded. I am a firm believer that the more you get out of your comfort zone, the bigger person you become, the more you develop yourself therefore the more you can achieve.

Don’t get me wrong, being in a comfortable state is not always wrong. In fact being around people and places we feel comfortable with, allows us to express ourselves with no fear of judgement and no need to wear “social masks”.

However, if we stay in this place for too long we become stagnant. Both in our personal life and or in our careers. Starting to learn a new skill, pushing your body to new limits or just meeting people for the first time can be uncomfortable in the beginning but each time you stretch yourself your comfort zone expands and so does your capacity to succeed.



