In all honesty, I never expected this to turn into a blog article. This came about as I posted an image over the summer holidays of my clean make up brushes on Instagram, the post hit home to more than a few of you and here we are.


There is no right or wrong way to apply your make-up. It all comes down to how much time you have and your personal preference. I have beauty blenders, makeup sponges and lots of professional brushes. I do not use them altogether although I might if I want my make up to look flawless for a special occasion. Most of the time, I apply my make up with my brushes and on a very rare occasion, I will use my hands.

My foundation and concealer brush are washed daily, after use. The rest of my brushes are washed weekly. Two reasons; for starters, a good finish requires clean brushes, if your brushes have layers of old and new makeup on them it affects the colour as well as the finish. Secondly, they need to be cleaned for hygiene purposes. I want my brushes with no dead skin cells and super clean so that I do not spread infection or cause any skin irritation or spots.  

 What to use to clean your brushes


I have used baby shampoo and antibacterial fairy liquid in the past. If you have a gentle cream based face wash, use that. The product I use to clean my brushes is my Australian Body Care Skin Wash. It cleans, it is antibacterial and antifungal – reason why I always buy the 1 litre bottle for home!

If my makeup brushes are really heavily soiled, I use my face cleansing oil first, I massage it into the brush and then use my Australian Body Care Skin Wash.  

How to clean your make up brushes

Personally, I like to massage the skin wash into my brushes when they are dry and then I add water.  You may want to do it the other way round. It is up to you. The most important thing is that you hold the brush downwards. Try and keep the handle as dry as possible. This will protect the bristles and help your brushes last longer. Swirling the brush in my hands whilst rinsing in lukewarm water enables a proper clean.

Pat the bristles dry using a paper towel or tea towel.  

Reshape the bristles while damp.

Let the brushes dry on a flat surface. Do not stand the brushes upright to dry as the water may run into the neck of the brush and it can affect the glue holding the bristles in place. Let the brushes air dry naturally.  

Fluff the bristles when dry.

You are done!

If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below.

Have a fabulous week!



