Although it’s a hectic time of year, I wait for the Christmas holidays to spend quality time with my family. We are all so busy throughout the year because our endless routine gets the better of us so it is very easy to lose touch with what is really important. Dinners and gatherings between family and friends are always special. Taking quality time to chill, dine and be merry is medicinal and spending time with those who you love the most goes a long way.
This year, along with most of the world, I’m busier than ever – nothing new. Organising my time wisely, getting the Christmas shopping out of the way before the holidays begin, I will make sure it’s time well spent and not wasted so I can relax and enjoy myself to the max at the same time.
What’s in store for me then? Just like most who get a double pay packet at Christmas time I wish I had double the amount of Christmas holiday time but I will make do with the two weeks I’ve got. This year I definitely want to brush up on my domestic skills rather than being plonked in front of a screen, be it big or small posting or typing away. The only screen I want in front of me is the one that entertains. Definitely need a break to recharge!
I want to spend my time baking or trying to bake whilst listening to Christmas songs, hand crafting with my kids, spending endless time with my dearest, beloved grandmother, having afternoon English teas with the ladies of my family, lazing around with hub whilst my three kids are fighting for our attention, hosting and going to a few dinner parties and spending chunks of time, covered in a blanket, in front of the T.V. watching classics and new Christmas movies galore.
If you are a hopeless romantic like myself, follow in my footsteps! Can’t wait to get through my usual feel good, cliché, chic flicks as well as all the family movies!
Hallmark/ Netflix 2017
Christmas Classics
- Film Title: Love Actually. Copyright: © 2003 Universal Studios. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Top 5 family movies