Living on the island of Cyprus and more specifically Limassol, which is along the coast, I have never appreciated its natural beauties. I am known as a winter person who enjoys her coats, knits and boots, cold winter nights, herbal teas, attention-grabbing TV series and page- turning books.Having in mind that our winters in Cyprus are mild, with our sun barely going into hiding, I have learnt to withstand the sunshine and just look forward to my few months of winter, because that’s all we get here. Endless summers have gone by, finding me do nothing at all to make the most of them. Going to the beach with the family at weekends and not swimming was pretty much it.

This year however was different. This year saw me embrace the real summer, the Cypriot summer, it was my coming out summer where I tried out new things, overcame my boredom of the beach and started to deal with my fear of the deep blue sea. Believe it or not, I actually went to the Seychelles for my honeymoon! Why? I don’t know! It was a complete and utter waste! The water only got as far as my knees.

My close friends are all summer babes who get melancholic when they think of winter. I always used to hear them rattle on about their sea adventures but that’s all I would do. I was never manipulated into following in their footsteps. My mother and father are also winter swimmers but their past time never rubbed off onto me either. But in May this year this narrative came to an end. I woke up, much like sleeping beauty and came out of my comfort zone. Angie, a colleague from work, hyped up the whole school about her new found love. SUP. Stand Up Paddle. Listening to her go on about this sport made me decide to give it a go! And so mummy cool gave it a go with her oldest son!

The first time I went, was a bit like ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding.’ It ended up being ‘My Big Fat Greek SUP Morning’. My two colleagues from work, my two sisters, my sister in law, my best friend and my son were all with me. Costas Symeonides our SUP instructor gave us our first lesson, what a patient man! My son grasped the hang of it immediately as he loves the sea but I was just panicky and nervous as the depth of the water frightened me. Without realising, we were soon quite far out. Costas stayed near, pep talking us all but I definitely needed him the most. Balancing on the board was not a problem, the sea was. He told me to let go of my oar and jump in to get wet, eventually I did. I managed, I balanced and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I had managed to let go of my sea inhibitions.


Feeling proud and excited I returned again and again and now whenever I have the chance, weekends only of course, I grab the opportunity and go, either with my children or alone. When alone, combining it with a coffee by the sea with my friends is the ultimate start to my day. From this newly discovered sea life, I was open to another world.

On our summer holiday this year my children were fixated on doing water sports nearly every day. Being dragged along with them, and after witnessing my son have a ski lesson, I plucked up courage to have one too. My lesson went unbelievably well and before I knew it, I was ready to be left in the water to be pulled by the rope. At this point I was petrified! It was just me and the fish in the big blue! Thinking some slimy thing was going to bite my bottom while I was waiting to be lifted up, I put all my strength into focusing on what I had been taught so I wasn’t left stranded in the water. With all my might I stood up. Instinctively I knew I could do it. I don’t know how I knew, I just knew. I loved it and it felt awesome. I felt like shouting, ‘IM THE KING OF THE WORLD!’ remember ‘Titanic’?

It was after my skiing experience that I also gave wakeboarding a go as soon as I came back home. Having the same feelings that I described above, I found that I could do that too. Using a boat which is somewhat in the family now, I was taken out to sea a couple of times and was taught how to wakeboard. Every time I used the ‘wake’ as it is known by pros, I was so proud. I never knew I had it in me. Then again, I suppose it was all about my will power to do something completely out of character for me. The rush of adrenalin that flows through my body every time I use the wake is indescribable. Mummy Cool has suddenly become Summer Cool.


Even though it is November and summer is on its way out, I will continue going SUP up until the weather permits. I can’t believe I was hibernating all these summers that have gone by. Truth be told, I am looking forward to winter, but for the first time in my life, I can’t wait for summer to come knocking as it will give me the chance to enjoy more of my new found happiness.

Moral of the story: just let go and take living to the next level!


