Hard work + effort = success! Hours of dedication, sleepless nights and sacrifice goes with the territory; success is all about having the drive and the passion, no more no less! And this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and patience, you need to stay focused and remember your dreams. I believe if you want something, truly, madly, deeply, you can make it happen.

ERES+ boutique owner and fashion stylist: George Ioannou

George Ioannou, owner of boutique ERES + an upper end of the high street boutiques in Limassol, is a fine example. Family hardships meant that he had to go to work at 15 years old. He knew what he loved, had an eye for fashion, so set his heart on finding a job in a boutique. At the time and at just 19, he started working in one of the trendiest places in Limassol, this gave George the chance to develop and cultivate his taste and style. Travelling to fashion weeks in France and Italy and assisting in choosing collections, gradually made him indispensable. He slowly built a name for himself amongst the ‘fashionistas’ on the island and after 3 years of experience there, was able to realise his dream, he opened his own boutique ERES +.

A loving wife and two children later have made George complete but it is his place of work, his 3rd baby, that defines him. ERES+ demands that George travels overseas twice monthly to buy what is suitable for his clientele. He likes to replenish his stock frequently so there are always new finds in store. It’s not your average, walk in – buy – walk out kind of place. George’s clients see ERES + as a meeting place. His customers are his friends. He ‘looks after’ them and makes them feel special by paying close attention to what suits them. For him, it is not all about selling its about making his clients look and feel good, therefore they trust him and always return to check out what is trending, have a cup of coffee and say hi! It is his style, his personal judgement and his take on how to put together an ensemble that is valued.
He doesn’t only accommodate the model figure but all body types! George knows how to dress a woman, to cover up those areas that need camouflaging, making her look and feel like ‘a million dollars’. By mixing and matching his brands, he is able to work wonders. Above all, it is his personality that connects him to people. His warmth, good humour and generosity of heart gives him that winning edge.

Brands available in store are: DEVOTION, TWINS, RATT, TEEM by Rita, SPACE, IMPERIAL, Allure, Maestri, theom, NEJMA sur mesure.

In Eres+

If living in Cyprus please join us for a ‘Stylish Summer Story’ this Friday and Saturday, 7th and 8th April for ERES+ boutique’s event. I’ll be there too 😉

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