Is it nice cream o’ clock yet? Oh yes! Since you loved the sorbet recipes I decided to keep the icy mode on for this week’s recipe too! If you’re home and you want something sweet and guilt-free then don’t waste any time; follow the steps and make a creamy, sugar-free banana and peanut butter NICE CREAM!


  • 4 bananas
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ½ cup peanut butter (unsweetened, creamy or crunchy)
  • ¼ cup milk
  • Mini dark chocolate chips for topping


Cut the bananas and put them in the freezer for 3-4 hours, then place them in a blender, add the milk and blend until well you achieve a creamy consistency. Continue by adding the honey and peanut butter. Blend again and guess what?! That’s all!!! Now pour the mixture in a plastic container and place the chocolate chips on top. Freeze for a couple of hours and serve.

I hope that you and you’re your little one(s) will enjoy it as much as we did!


Chara x

