Book by Don Miguel Ruiz

I recently read this book called the Four Agreements and I must say it is an absolute gem. Before we dive in I just want to say that if you are willing to read self-development books, then you must read with an open mind. Receive the information unbiased and after you finish, filter it to your liking!

The Four Agreements is a very easy read, short but packed with wisdom. Derived from the Toltecs in Southern Mexico, Don Miguel Ruiz speaks about the influence the following 4 agreements can have on us when we implement them in our lives

The Four Agreements from my perspective:

  1. Be impeccable with your word. In other words, be kind to yourself. Don’t talk down on yourself or others and most importantly be true to your word. Walk your talk!
  2. Don’t take things personally. How you receive information is entirely up to you and taking this to the heart is the most selfish thing to do! When receiving negative comments you should not take them personally. It is only a perception of the person giving you the feedback! (Negative or not).
  3. Don’t make assumptions. We often assume other people should know what we are thinking of and this needs fixing ASAP. Also assuming can be dangerous and is easily rectifiable by simply asking genuine questions.
  4. Always do your best. This will light a beacon for others to follow! It’s also ok that some days your best is of lower quality than other days. Just keep going. Doing your best (regardless of “quality levels”) will make you feel 100% content at the end of each day and that is a blissful feeling to fall asleep with!


