Shoulda, woulda, coulda ?

The answer to that would be … yeah, BUT…not in a Kimie kinda way!

Fashion trends change like the weather. Some of them disappear forever, others celebrate a huge comeback after a certain amount of time. I always stay true to my style and I don’t tend to get side tracked by fast-paced trends. I always invest in timeless classics and like to style them in different ways. This time I’m thinking of giving in!

Cycling shorts were a big thing in the 80s and early 90s and they are finally back.

They are not made in crazy patterns like I remember them from my childhood, but the length and style are still the same. What I do like about them is that you are actually wearing shorts, but not exposing your legs too much.

This length makes the shorts super versatile. They can be worn anywhere from office to dinner. You can easily dress them up with a cute blouse and blazer. Or you can pair them with a sporty sweatshirt or summer knit for a casual look. It’s all about mixing sport and street wear – casual and comfortable.

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