Christmas trees and shiny lights are seen in almost every shop, every street and almost in every home. Yet somehow everything still seems to be moving at full speed, creating a feeling that the hours of the day and the days of the week are just not enough.

People try to find the time to plan their gatherings, family dinners, Christmas movie night, a simple stroll down Anexartisias street to see the Christmas lights and generally feel that warmth in their heart, that little Christmas feeling. But everything is done in such a fast-forward, pressured manner that we forget the very essence of the holiday season!

However commercialized this holiday may seem to some people, I believe that it is designed in such a way to remind us what life should be like:

Giving without expecting anything in return, telling and most importantly showing people you love them, amend any loose ends you have with friends or family, wind down and take time to think, to look inside each other’s eyes and soul to understand people around you!

  1. This Christmas, don’t check your smartphone every 5 minutes. Be present.
  2. Work and other issues will still be there after the holidays so what will change if you constantly think about them?
  3. Focus on the non-material gifts! Your presence, your love and attention.

But most importantly spend time with your loved ones by truly being there. Creating memories by enjoying 100% of each other’s company, even if it simply means laughing and snuggling around the fireplace.

Because the best present you can give someone is your presence.

Merry Christmas 

Fotis x

