The Bamboo tree teaches us success lessons on patience, faith, perseverance, growth & development.

After it is planted, in its first year, we see no visible signs of growth. In the second year there is still no growth above the soil. The third and fourth year…still show no signs of anything happening.

Finally, after 4 years of struggle and nurturing, the bamboo tree grows up to 80 feet in merely 6 weeks!

Unfortunately, in our everyday lives and routines, we have become “microwave thinkers”. We want everything ready or want to see results in 10 minutes. In fact, all good things in life come after some time of trying over and over again.

How to be more like a bamboo tree:


  1. Keep a positive mental attitude
  2. Develop discipline and good habits. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment – Jim Rohn
  3. Be strongly rooted yet flexible! Be flexible, deal with everyday issues head on but don’t lose yourself in the process.
  4. Slow down your busy mind. Calm yourself, focus on your breathing and see things clearer.
  5. Always be ready. “The warrior, like bamboo, is ever ready for action” – Kensho Furuya
  6. Find wisdom in negative situations.
  7. Commit to your growth! Seek ways to continuously improve yourself whether its developing a new skill or practising your existing ones.

Being patient and persistent can only bring good things in your life. Hang in there!


