
work out

ANDREA SAVVIDOU How to... Mummy Cool

How to boost your immune system

Schools are closed, events have been cancelled, employees have been stocking up and working-from-home; the whole island is on lock down mode. We currently live in a new corona-virus induced world. During these difficult times, we should not panic. What we need to do is to remain calm and boost our immune system. Feed your body certain foods: It’s well known that some foods are indeed immune system boosters. Get some Vitamin C through citrus fruit, kiwi, almonds and red…

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Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Upper Body Band

Mini band shoulder activation 3×10 Mini band overhead shoulder activation 3×10 Chest band flies straight hands 3×10 Chest band flies…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Arm it!

Weight jumping jacks 20 reps Inner bicep 10 reps Overhead tricep extensions 10 reps Shoulder side raise 10 reps each…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Round 2

1.  Kick and lunge 4x20sec (two reps left leg – two reps right leg alternated) -10 sec break between sets…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Band it!

Full body program with resistance band   Bicep Curl 3×10 Reverse bicep curl 3×10 Chest band 3×10 Side shoulder raise…

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I’ve taken up Zumba again! I used to be completely hooked 6/7 years ago but due to morning classes being…