
stay healthy

ANDREA SAVVIDOU How to... Mummy Cool

How to boost your immune system

Schools are closed, events have been cancelled, employees have been stocking up and working-from-home; the whole island is on lock down mode. We currently live in a new corona-virus induced world. During these difficult times, we should not panic. What we need to do is to remain calm and boost our immune system. Feed your body certain foods: It’s well known that some foods are indeed immune system boosters. Get some Vitamin C through citrus fruit, kiwi, almonds and red…

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Cook | Dine | Drink Nutrition

Sleep well!

They call it the holistic health triangle! Studies show that sacrificing one side of the so-called “holistic health tringle” (exercise,…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Tone it up

Knee knee, toe toe Lunge back leg raise left Lunge back leg raise right Star jacks Pistol squat left pistol…