

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

3 Things You Should Know About Your Evening Workout

Often, when we try to set new workout goals, we try to squeeze classes and runs into the mornings. And it’s easy to see why mornings are a great time to squeeze in cardio: You get it out of the way and reduce the likelihood of you canceling a workout commitment later on. But here’s the thing: Some of us will never become morning people. If you’re more likely to hit snooze than leap out of bed when your 6 a.m. pre–spin class alarm goes off, you may…

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Workout gear

This month really is summer countdown to beach body and getting into gym mode after our Christmas overdose is way…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Round 2

1.  Kick and lunge 4x20sec (two reps left leg – two reps right leg alternated) -10 sec break between sets…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Band it!

Full body program with resistance band   Bicep Curl 3×10 Reverse bicep curl 3×10 Chest band 3×10 Side shoulder raise…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday


1.Burpee – plank 2.Cross toe touch left-right 3.Cross toe touch right-left 4.Squat knee Round 1 – 10 reps Round 2…

Mummy Cool Super Sunday

Side to Side

Lunge and twist 3×10 (each side) Russian twist 4×20 Elbow-knee pause 3×20 sec break 10 sec (each side) Circle abs…