We have made January our excuse for a clean start, so let’s talk beauty today!

The problem the beauty industry poses on the planet is well versed but bears repeating. According to zero waste,more than 120 billion units of packaging are produced every year by the global cosmetics industry, much of which is not recyclable. The majority of products come packaged in plastic, which – when talking about your average moisturiser pot – can take nearly 1,000 years to decompose. Then there’s the plastic wrappings, paper inserts, cardboard sleeves, foam, mirrored glass and more, sometimes all present in one purchase.

Thankfully, beauty companies big and small have been cleaning up their act, and as consumers make more conscious choices – finally a collective attitude shift has been made.

To ensure you’re doing your bit try these simple swaps for a greener beauty regime by L’Occitane.

Or if in Cyprus order yours from here!

Swap liquid soaps for bar soaps

Bar soaps are back, and unlike their predecessors the new generation come in many good-for-skin guises. Mostly sold in plastic-free packaging, there’s a soap for all needs; from hands and body to hair and facial cleansing.


Swap plastic packaging for aluminium and glass (or go ‘naked’)

Clearly, going cosmetic packaging-free is the ideal option for the environment. But there’s no denying that–currently–‘naked’ is not for everyone and there is a demand for packaging that’s both aesthetically and environmentally pleasing.

With many of us happily choosing to pass on plastic, aluminium looks to be the best alternative for beauty product packaging. Aluminium is the only material that can be recycled on an infinite loop (allowing it to be reused in the same form again and again). It also has a better chance of actually being recycled: Around 55 per cent of aluminium cans are currently recycled correctly compared to 34 per cent of glass containers, while only five per cent of the world’s plastics are recycled effectively.

Swap your bathroom bin for a recycling bin

With the vast majority of beauty packaging being thrown out after just one use, and only 50 per cent of recyclable bathroom waste currently being recycled, making sure you have a recycling bin to hand is obvious, but often overlooked. Invest in a bathroom recycling bin for starters.

Also think about how you can upcycle your empty products. From using jars and bottles as vases and vessels for your hair accessories and make-up brushes, look to Pinterest for endless ideas.

Swap single-use packaging for refillables

Invest in refillable beauty products and take advantage of companies offering refill schemes.

Swap minis and regulars for supersize versions

Jumbo versions of beauty favourites are currently a big trend. Given a supersized product uses less packaging and requires less regular shipping it’s a more ecologically-conscious option. (It’s nearly always kinder to your wallet, too.)


