‘We’re all going on a summer holiday
No more working for a week or two.
Fun and Laughter on our summer holiday,
No more worries for me or you,
For a week or two.’

Cliff Richard

Cliff Richard sums up ‘Summer Holiday’ in a nutshell. This is how it should be and it is exactly what it was like for me and my family with a couple of hiccups. Life isn’t plain sailing especially when you have kids but as long as everything is fixable.

We love escaping to the Greek Islands during the summer. Spending quality time together as a family and then meeting up with friends. It was an ideal combo bonding, relaxing and unwinding with your nearest and dearest. Having said that, blogging hardly lets you switch off completely (a few Insta stories here and there to stay in touch and a couple of photo uploads was the most I could handle- this social media frenzy is giving me a hard time to be honest).

Although much can be said about ‘Elevation Staycation’ and making the most of your hometown, a much needed break for us meant leaving the country so that my husband could take a complete break to forget about work and the stress that comes with it. That was the only way for the Thomas family to holiday.

A short stay in Salonika kick started our holiday. We then road tripped with friends to Syvota passing by beautiful Metsovo and spending our first week enjoying the Ionian Sea. We then flew to Athens to get to beautiful Poros which is a place very dear to our hearts. The Saronic Gulf is an annual part of our summer holidays. Unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions, yet again we didn’t manage to get to Spetses (my going there seems doomed year after year) Hydra was as far as the kids could handle as sea sickness got the better of them.

This holiday was all about family, friends and being open to meeting new people, which we sure did! New friendships were made whilst old ones were further developed with avid promises of further reunions exploring places on foot, by car, at sea, swimming in mesmerising waters, boat trekking, water skiing, soaking up the sun, laughing and eating endless amounts of food – mainly fresh fish and Greek salads and drinking anything from wine to beer was pretty much the order of the day. Dinner and our night time walks with the backdrop of the picturesque harbours and taverns are to be treasured forever. Nothing beats these summer memories.

With no exaggeration our full days and nights made our summer holiday another one to be remembered. Memories to be cherished and quality relaxation time to be savoured. With my batteries recharged, I’m ready to take on the challenges that awaits us mothers every September. That’s what it’s all about!

Hope you all had a great summer! Good luck and have a great academic year ahead (that’s the teacher in me)
So I don’t bore you with details, DM me for hotels, restaurants and anything else if you are planning on visiting any of these places. I ate, slept and dined at fantastic ones.

A few pics below 🙂



