(My wardrobe Transition)

The changing of a season brings about the changing of your wardrobe. Gradually moving away from our light summery, airy, fairy dresses (gently because Autumn hits Cyprus sometime very late November) the shift to warmer clothing is inevitable. I am sure we have all over worn our tired looking stock of summer clothes and are eagerly awaiting the changing of the season. It’s all about getting back into those pants or anything denim. I’ve missed wearing my jeans as I am very much a jeans ‘kinda’ girl – far too hot though to wear during a Cyprus summer. But the transition has started and before long it will be nearly time to start pairing up anything from a pair of jeans, to tailored pants to a long pleated or short denim skirt with a slogan tee and a blazer.

Slogan Tees are having their moment. They are such an easy way to update your wardrobe and they don’t need to cost a fortune. I might have my eye on a couple that will remain on my ‘lust’ list like the Balmain and Gucci but I am sure enjoying the ones I have. My Levis Tee is one of my favourites – old school and very trendy. Ok, there are loads more I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on, I also like the ‘mini’ slogans which are a bit more discreet and toned down too. Just make sure you keep the slogans simple but catchy especially if you go bold.





With a slogan tee, your wardrobe will speak for itself and if you choose to make a statement you can do so without saying a word!

Graphic t-shirts aren’t just band tees anymore. Tee’s with slogans printed proudly across them are making their way down runways and sweeping the internet with political statements.

We all have seen (and badly want) those Dior “We Should All Be Feminists” shirts, and all those that just unabashedly state “Feminist.” Oh, and let’s not forget that political tee listing the actors who have been accused of whitewashing in a variety of Hollywood flicks.

Of course, slogan tees can make whatever statement you want — political, sassy, simple, flirty, you name it. Vogue


If I had a shelf full of slogan Tees, I’d choose these:



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The bold beautiful Blazer is one item in my wardrobe that makes me feel well put together and super chic. It has the power to transform my mummified ‘jean and tee kit’ into an outfit that announces slick girl about town ready for almost every occasion. The blazer is my ‘go to’ outer shell that always tidies up my outfit this time of year giving my look the edge I need. Do you ever have a ‘nothing to wear’ day? Pretty often is what I hear. How often do you stand in front of your wardrobe discarding item after item frustrated with your’ there’s nothing here for me’ mind set. All it takes is a blazer! Team it up with a pair of jeans and loafers and you’re blazed up good to go anywhere. When our temperatures start dropping and the autumnal chill starts creeping into the air, there couldn’t be a better time to whisk your blazer out. (Waiting anxiously for this now) And let’s not forget that this isn’t a seasonal item, it’s an all year round wardrobe staple, so it is worth investing in one if you can. And when I say ‘invest’ not just money but your time too. Finding a blazer that works for your shape can take time. Do you prefer the oversized look, or do you like it to nip you in at the waist? I tend to favour more fitted shapes because I am petite and anything too boxy drowns my frame, but if you are tall then you can carry off the oversized look. I say go velvet this season!


Blazing hot:

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