Goodbye sweet sun and hello wrinkles and skin pigmentation! Did that get your attention?! Believe me, I love the sun too, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and having a healthy tan but I do it in the healthiest way possible and always with my Ultrasun SPF. I know I must sound like a broken record but research has shown that a whopping 80% of skin aging is due to UV exposure.

There are things that we can do after sun exposure to help rectify the visual effects of the sun but what we can’t do is fix the cellular changes. There are cosmetic treatments like laser that again can treat and improve the appearance of the skin but it cannot repair the damage hiding under the surface. If there is one product, out of everything that I talk about and suggest, that will protect your skin now and for years to come, it is SPF. The best SPF I have come across to date which is scientifically proven to protect against UVA damage, is Ultrasun. In order to get the best protection from your SPF, make sure that you apply it 15 minutes before sun exposure.


How do we soothe the skin after spending time out in the sun?

Cleanse the skin – summer holidays often go hand in hand with going to the beach. Make sure that you cleanse the skin (face and body) properly to remove excess oil, dirt and the dehydrating effects of salt water on the skin.

Exfoliate – the buildup of dead skin on the skin’s surface can make skin look uneven and blotchy. Use a good chemical exfoliator with AHAs. Skin will look and feel fresher. This is where Retinol (vitamin A) and Retinol products come into their own. Retinol is packed with anti-aging benefits and helps stimulate the production of new skin cells. However, if you are considering having a baby, stay clear of Retinol. It is not worth the risk. When you chemically exfoliate, you must wear at least an SPF 30 as your skin will be more sensitive to UV exposure.

Vitamin C it – Vitamin C and applying antioxidants to the skin helps protect skin’s DNA. Vitamin C (minimum of 10% stable L’Ascorbic Acid) and peptides are also very important in helping the skin repair and encourage collagen production. Applying vitamin C topically is also shown to interrupt melanogenesis (process of producing melanin) which helps further pigmentation from developing. Other ingredients like Retinol, Hydroquinone and Azelaic Acid all help to ease skin pigmentation.

Drink plenty of water – we should always drink plenty of water but in particular when out in the sun as it dehydrates our bodies. Hydrating ourselves by drinking water flushes out the toxins.

Eat well – the summer is the perfect time for healthy eating. Fresh fruit, vegetables and fish is the ideal diet you should be adopting.

Aloe vera – this is a skin calmer and soother. Aloe vera contains antioxidants including A, C and E, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids and two specific hormones (auxin and gibberellins) which help heal, soothe and have anti-inflammatory properties. This can be used for burns, skin irritations, insect bites, spots and acne. If kept in the fridge, you can apply it whenever you want to feel some cool relief.

Moisturise – A good moisturiser for face and body is essential and you can also layer ingredients in order to get the best results for your skin. For example, you can use a hyaluronic acid serum first which plumps and hydrates the skin and then your moisturiser on top. If you have any skin irritations, then apply your aloe vera gel after your hyaluronic acid serum but before your moisturiser.


If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below.
Have a fabulous week!


