I may not have the world’s best fantasy walk-in shoe wardrobe (yet;) but with some thought and creativity my dream walk-in closet is not so far off, or at least I like to think it isn’t! I think my oldest child needs to speed the process of growing up so I can take over his room and convert it into something straight out of Pintrest. Being a shoe addict is a hassle; from thought, to buying to storing. However, completely worth it! Currently, my closet area in my bedroom is a mess! Why? New things, old things and mainly shoes spilling out in all directions. My research will hopefully benefit you too and save you wasting your time scrambling through shoe boxes to find just the right pair for your outfit! Because, as we all know, it’s all in the details!

 My life is crazy, hectic, rushed, jam packed and incredibly pressured and certainly not one of calm and ease with plenty of time to spare. Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way but to get organized, limit time wasting, and present the staged Instagram effect I have to the outside world, I decided to kill two birds with one stone – research the situation and blog the results. When shoes are tidy, brain is tidy and life is tidy. Tidy life results in tidy time which leads to effective time management!

I don’t have a shoe closet but I do have some cupboard space where my shoes take pride of place. Nowhere near enough, I added some more space with the help of my carpenter, still not enough, I pile boxes underneath my hanging clothes, boxes onto the top shelves of my children’s closets and basically boxes everywhere with the misconception that I will open them again someday. Ok, we all know that it is not going to happen but I am not ready to cut the cord which bonds me and my shoes together!

Shoe tidy means brutally getting rid of shoes you don’t wear; I still haven’t mastered this. Colour coding, with my limited space and style sorting is what I tend to do when I’m in organised mode. Adding furniture for storage is a great option if you have some extra space. I had an island installed in my closet area which gives me a surface to lay out my clothes and a shoe tidy area underneath. Ikea has great economical ideas for compact spaces -corner units, material hanging shelves and cubed portable shelves are just a few to mention.

Below are some pictures for inspiration:

The positioning of your shoes is the trick:

Pull out shelves. A part of what my shoe closet looks like.

Loved this flip flop idea:

Extra shelves always work:

Store flats in a flat box under the bed:

With a corner to spare:

And if you have no space whatsoever write or take pictures of the shoe and stick it on the box like shoe designer Charlotte Olympia.

Organized shoes = organized women!

If you have any other ideas, please share.

Maria x


