It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No one can deny this! We must admit though, in some way or another, we all face difficulties when choosing the perfect gifts for our loved ones.

Take the guesswork out of this gifting season, with the following proposals:

When in doubt – choose a double!

Magnum, Jeroboam, Mathusalem etc. bottles (double/6times/8times) the size of a normal bottle) can be a problem solver.

The reasons to purchase oversized bottles instead of regular ones, are many.

  1. They age better: these bottles, age at much slower speed of their 75cl friends.
  2. Not so fragile: made with thicker glass, they can better protect your precious wine from heat, light, etc
  3. They look good: we do recycle our glass bottles. However, an oversized one, can be the perfect centre piece for home decor.

+ watching your friends pick up a heavy, full bottle and try to pour from it never gets old.


Winning combos:

Gift ideas are put together like puzzles to offer the perfect result to your loved ones!

I suggest either a combination of premium products, such as fine wines, champagnes, superior quality chocolates and noble spirits. All these, come together and form the perfect gift!

Likewise, a wise decision would be to choose the jewels from a specific winemaker, combine them together and create a collection of drinkable miracles!


Oh-so-Fancy Gift Boxes:

Brands from all over the world, express their most creative sides during Christmas.

Some enhance their ideas by not only providing fancy giftboxes but by giving a purpose to them!

In the case of Nicolas Feuillatte, which ranks as the Number 1 Champagne house in France, they have decided to place their Blanc de Blanc in a lantern Gift box. Hence, you have the light in both your glass and your home!

The sophisticated, can also enjoy their Grand Cru Champagnes inside a premium cigar humidor. A humidor is a humidity-controlled box used for storing and maintain the freshness of cigars. If this isn’t fancy, then what is?!

 Style it up with an accessory:

As wine tastes differ from one person to another, you can play it safe by purchasing useful gadgets for the most expressive alcoholic beverage!

Effort no more can be achieved with an electric corkscrew that makes opening a bottle fun and 100% successful.


Even if some people say that giving is better than receiving, having everything neat and organised during family feasts make the whole process less painful!

Keep things organised with glass markers and plate clips!

For more gift ideas, check out:

See you next week!

Until then.. Strike for a glass half full !

Nicole x

