A love story for everyone who enjoys watching Bridget Jones Diary and Love Actually every year. And yes, that would be me!

When Josie Silver’s One Day in December came up in my Instagram feed I just knew I was going to love it. Just from the short blurb on the back, I was already desperate to know what happened next. And so I read the whole book from start to finish in a matter of hours where my heart broke and my eyes leaked, and I fell in love with the most beautifully created characters and a plot which had me hooked right from the offset.

One Day in December starts a decade earlier when Laurie spots a beautiful stranger on the bus and, as their eyes meet, she falls head over heels in love. As the bus pulls away and the stranger blurs into the distance, there begins a year long search for “bus boy”, encouraged by Laurie’s best friend Sarah who is every bit as desperate to find this handsome stranger for her friend.

And then, all of a sudden, completely out of the blue, there he is, “bus boy”, standing in her apartment, being introduced as Sarah’s new boyfriend, the man that Sarah is convinced is the love of her life.

And right there and then, having made the decision to never let Sarah known the truth, Laurie’s heart is shattered.

I say no more.

This unforgettable love story all started one day in December, so warm your hearts and feel that fuzz because this is the month that lights sparkle and the magic is real.

Happy 1st December readers!



