As the new year kicks in, bringing with it exciting changes for WMC, we hit off with a dynamic, enlightening interview with the Co –  Founder and Creator of ELEMIS Therapies, Noella Gabriel.

I had the pleasure and honour of finding out first-hand the thought process and journey that has made Elemis the successful product it is today.

An element of luck always has a hand to play but combine it with an intuitive understanding of what women need, a keen explorative mind and smart business acumen and the result is…ELEMIS.  

Tell us about the birth of ELEMIS (the where, the when, the how).

In 1990, ELEMIS began its exceptional journey in becoming the world’s leading educator, creator and innovator in the professional skincare and spa market. Having built a phenomenal spa business globally over the last 27 years, ELEMIS is a brand with integrity. We have strong brand loyalty, great brand awareness and we believe ELEMIS has pushed the boundaries in its delivery of spa therapies and product. We never settle for second best.

How did it evolve into the #1 British brand in skin care that it is today?

ELEMIS is the #1 Luxury British Skincare Brand. Your skin, your body and your wellness lie at the heart of ELEMIS. Every ground-breaking formula is an innovative blend of science with the chemistry of nature, carefully crafted by a dedicated team of explorers, scientists and skincare experts. Encompassing the most powerful biological actives available from both ‘above and below’ the earth’s surface, ELEMIS’ meticulous attention to detail, pioneering formulas and remarkably transformative RESULTS is what truly sets our skincare apart.

In a few words describe ELEMIS.

We are…intrepid explorers in how we source our ingredients, innovators when it comes to unique formulas and relentless testing torchbearers for legacy and quality in British skincare- a community focused and dedicated to creating an experience that allows our customer to explore, learn and share.

Where do you see ELEMIS going in the next 5 years?

ELEMIS is constantly evolving and will continue to disrupt the industry through innovation and product development.

What personal skin care advice can you offer the following age groups:

25- 35

In your 20’s your skin is able to work at its peak and tends to have good structure and plumpness but it’s also at this age that lifestyle plays a big part in how the skin looks and feels. A modern lifestyle of drinking alcohol, smoking, late nights, starting a career and exposure to the sun with minimal protection are all key factors that will affect your skin. This is a key time to start looking for more serious and skin specific products that can retain that radiant, youthful glow. Any damage caused at a deeper level cannot always be reversed so it’s an important time to protect for the future.


By your 30’s, signs of ageing will begin to appear as skin cell turnover has begun to slow down causing collagen to loosen and expression lines of fine lines and wrinkles will start appearing. This is where Pro-Collagen comes into play.

45 – 55

The 40s, 50s and 60s are a time when skin is most challenged and it is at this time that a lot of damage can be done. The client must invest in thorough consultation to ensure she is getting the most from her skin and body care range. The body is going through major hormonal changes and as the skin is a true mirror of the body’s inner state it will be reflected instantly in the skin. There is absolutely no reason why women in this age bracket can’t achieve radiant youthful looking skin.


When you reach your 50’s or 60’s hormonal changes can affect your skin collagen production.  Skin will begin to sag and look depleted around 50 so we would recommend you start using lifting and tightening products such as our Pro-Definition range.  

Why should a woman have a Facial and what makes ELEMIS Face treatments so special?

Our globally renowned facial treatments use touch as a powerful diagnostic tool, softening and prepping the skin to receive actives. Each active product is applied using a combination of ancient and modern massage techniques from around the world. The hands of a highly trained ELEMIS Elite therapist are profoundly effective anti-ageing tools. This is where intuition meets expertise. As above, BIOTEC Technology is where ground-breaking technology that meets active ingredients and transformative touch with clinically proven results. Skin is left thriving, visibly healthy and energised.


ELEMIS is a much loved brand in the Best Spas & Elite Salons in Cyprus, why do you think the Cypriot Woman has fallen in love with the brand?

Results! The client must see an immediate difference after a facial experience, whether that’s 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour. They want to physically see a difference in minimum time at affordable prices. We are in an economy of time and money, the customer is spending but only on something they trust.  

What is your opinion about Aesthetic Medicine, Botox and Aggressive Peels? Is BIOTEC the ELEMIS answer to all these?

BIOTEC is innovative, effective skincare at its very best. I spent two years developing BIOTEC with experts across the world. The resulting treatments combine scientific expertise, fusing a whole new technological experience with the very best of our hands-on therapy to offer something I genuinely believe delivers the best of both worlds. Unresponsive cells need new stimuli to help reboot cellular performance, enhancing the skin’s ability to repair and renew. After in-depth research, ELEMIS found that combining a unique synergy of three targeted stimuli – ACTIVES, TOUCH and TECHNOLOGY – it was possible to deliver immediate, visible and longer-lasting skincare results.

If you could go down memory lane is there anything you would change in your career path.

No, nothing. They are my memories and my learnings and most importantly I shaped them.

As a woman in the fast line, how do you succeed in balancing the two major roles in your life, motherhood and successful business woman?

Every working mum is a great multi tasker, I am not alone. If my daughter Kate is ok, then I can give the day full concentration. I wouldn’t have missed out on being a mum, so I was up for challenge!

Tell us what keeps you and your awe- inspiring image ahead of the game.

We love to learn, to travel, to create, to share our knowledge and move forward, never standing still.

What’s next for Noella Gabriel?   

To keep learning, what a wonderful industry to work in, with an ever-changing landscape.  

What tips would you give to woman in her late thirties such as myself, embarking on her own business venture?

Give it a go! There is nothing worse than having regrets. Communicate it simply. Be passionate and committed and learn from it.

ELEMIS is only available from the Best Spas & Elite Salons in Cyprus.

