THERE is no love so lasting, so strong, so unselfish, so devoted as that first and purest of all loves, a mother’s love. It begins with your birth, and ends with her death. It will follow you through childhood, youth, and manhood, from the cradle to the grave – if not in reality, in memory; it will stimulate you to every noble and heroic action you may contemplate or do, and deter you from many an evil one. The memory of it alone will sweeten many a cup of sorrow in after years, lighten many an hour of darkness, and the soft music of her voice in gentle accents you will oft hear years after she, perhaps, is no more.You may lose everything in this world, and a mother’s love will alone stick by you; you may go down, down to the lowest depths of degradation, be steeped in crime and sin, an outcast from your fellow beings, when, at the eleventh hour, the memory of your mother and her undying love may come like a golden cloud, and with all its early strength and warmth, may be the means of wresting you from the very jaws of hell. The blessing of having had a good and a kind mother is one blessing unequalled, I may say, by any other on earth, and your heart will oft turn with the tenderest love to the years when you knew it, to the scenes where you felt it, long, long after her sweet and gentle voice is hushed in the cold grave. Boys and girls, youths and maidens, when about to sin, remember your mother, and break not her fond heart.

 by T. Augustus Forbes Leith

Mum, I’ve been blessed. This is for you.

Photo credits: Nicholas Constantinou (@nix_con Instagram)

Growing up I always wanted to be an only daughter so I could have more of my mum. I never liked sharing her and maybe that’s why God gave me my ONLY daughter. As an adult, I realised how lucky I was having two sisters and a mum – I was even more enriched. But today this article is dedicated purely to my mum, my rock, my companion, my most reliable critic and my shoulder to cry on. I aspire to be like her, a strong, dynamic woman who I look up to. Full of life and energy she tries to make everyone happy by never saying no. She is definitely a role model for us, her daughters, her friends/family and her employees.

Working together for the last 17 years has enabled us to see each other daily. Don’t worry mum, I’ll always have one foot in the door, WMC will not steal me away from you entirely! Explosions and fireworks come with the territory but it’s mostly been plain sailing. I am privileged we have had the opportunity of working together as it would be impossible for us to see each other so often, I’d be lucky to see her once a week with my children’s busy schedule.

Although I have lots of amazing moments, I would like to share a couple that keep coming back to me. My mum is a reader, a stereotypical bookworm who has rubbed this enjoyment on to her children. Reading bedtime stories to us was something she implemented daily. Trying to follow in her footsteps with my children, I remember waiting for the following night to find out what happened in stories such as ‘The Railway Children’, ‘Anne of Green Gables’ and ‘Black Beauty’. Because of her vivid imagination she would also make stories up when driving us somewhere. They were to do with princes and princesses but always with a moral to them. I remember one in particular which I’d always want to hear over and over again. Beautiful childhood memories.

My fondest memory is the reconnection that took place between us the year after I finished university and returned to Cyprus. My mum and myself would wind down in front of the television after a long day at work watching endless amounts of romantic comedies and series. ‘Sex and the City’ and ‘Friends’ being the most popular. We would spend hours discussing endings, characters, their lines, their style, mostly bags, – we were just so lucky to have had the pleasure of each other’s company as adults. Dad was around too but he could never get a word in edgeways when the two of us were together. He still doesn’t and often feels quite left out! Having the same taste in films, series and books, our discussions continue to be endless. The best I’ve seen and read have been recommendations from my mummy! Grace and Frankie is keeping us busy at the moment, right?

My mum is first and foremost my dearest friend whom when I argue with I can’t sleep at night. The only person I trust when shopping. My doctor and my nurse, her home is my haven where I can turn to when I’m not well. Just being in her arms and care makes me feel safe and half way to getting better. A chef, a therapist, a problem solver, a true fixer of everything from physical and mental pain to healer of life’s ailments. A business woman to admire who is a leader in her field. A generous lovable, loud grandmother. My proof reader. My go-to person for everything. The list is endless but I’ll stop here! Oh! Need to squeeze in of course, a nagger and a well – meaning meddler, which I suppose, are a mother’s strong characteristics.

Mum, you are the epitome of a special mother and I love you very much.

Happy Mother’s Day.

To you, to me and to all of you wonderful mothers out there.

‘A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.’ Absolutely.

Head down to your local flower shop and grab a bunch of fresh blooms and seal them with a kiss! Us mothers love colourful, freshly cut flowers.

