Not only are we all back on track, the temperature is rising, so I decided to experiment… and it worked! This recipe is as easy as pie, as sweet as it gets and as cold as it gets… And yes it’s a MANGO SORBET. Oh sorry, a SUGARFREE mango sorbet!

Here’s what you’ll need for today’s recipe:


  • 1 rape mango
  • ¼ cup water

And your freezer… No, seriously, you only need these 2 ingredients,  great, right?



Cut the mango in cubes, put it in the freezer for minimum 4 hours. When you’re ready, place it in a blender, add water and blend until smooth. Yes that’s all! Now back in the freezer for another hour and your sorbet is ready! Ridiculously easy and so deliciously yummy!

Chara x



