Ok, let’s be honest…we’re all guilty when it comes to makeup mistakes but hey nobody’s perfect! Mistakes we generally make are easy to fix, for example, overcooking pasta (you simply boil again) or making a fashion mistake (you don’t wear it again). When it comes to makeup, it’s a whole different ball game and different to the ‘common mistakes’ we make on occasion.  Make up is routine and we end up repeating the way we do it on a daily basis. ‘Cutting the cord’ can be quite hard. Can you identify with any of the 10 ‘no-no’s’ below?

  • Heavy foundation: Badly applied foundation can be a real disaster as too heavy can result in setting in fine lines and creases plus highlighting imperfections in comparison to too little which can result to uneven skin tone. Use a formula that is smooth on your complexion without becoming cakey.


  • Excessive highlighting: Although we all love a bright, dewy kind of look, if we go overboard we end up emphasizing our flaws. If we highlight too close to the outer corner of the eye we will emphasize creases and goose feet. Instead choose to highlight concise areas such as the cheek bone or the centre of the upper eyelid.


  • Over powdering: It is generally recommended to powder foundation to make it last longer which is ok if done in moderation. Too much will not only result in looking cakey and chalky especially if you have a more mature complexion but will settle in fine lines and wrinkles and destroy the skin’s natural radiance.


  • Piling on the blusher: Remember, you are not a kid who ‘goes through mummy’s makeup’! Too much blusher can look clownish to say the least. Blusher should be placed on the centre of your cheek bone and blended upwards to create an instant lifting illusion.


  • Overusing eyeliner on the lower lid: Using eyeliner corrects and defines our eyes making them look larger and deeper. I love it! However, if we use too much we will create an unnatural looking black ring around the eyes, only to make them look smaller and droopy. Instead, apply less quantity and try using a blending brush to smudge the liner along the bottom lash line to lightly define your lashes.


  •  Lip liner gone wrong: Lip liner is an amazing product and generally speaking it does do wonders if applied correctly. Instead of just outlining your lips try filling in your lips with it so that it works as a base for your lipstick to go on. You can also leave the very centre of your lips bare as this will give the appearance of fuller lips.


  • Forgetting to groom the eyebrows: As we grow older our hair might lessen and that goes for the eyebrows too. An easy way to give your face a youthful lift is by keeping your brows well-shaped and well-defined. Use a brow liner to carefully shape them or even a brow mascara.


  • Dirty makeup brushes: A big…huge no-no! For me dirty makeup brushes are just as bad as not brushing your teeth. When we use makeup brushes to apply products onto our face, bacteria, oil, pollution, and debris are automatically transferred to the brush, therefore, cleaning is necessary! How often depends on how often you use your brushes. If you use makeup daily, then use a spray form of brush cleaner after use along with a good shampoo once a week. If you barely wear makeup, shampoo your brushes once every two or three weeks.


  • Using Expired Makeup: Just like any other product, makeup has an expiration date so if you have products in your drawers for longer than you can remember, just throw them away. Apart from not being as effective as they should be, expired makeup can also result to skin irritation and eye infections. Check out this page to see how long make up lasts for: Shelf Life Of Your Makeup


  • Sleeping with makeup on: This is the worst thing you can do to your skin. When we are asleep our skin goes through a renewal process. Wearing makeup to bed can cause clogged pores that may lead to breakouts and dryness which can result to wrinkles or dry patchy skin.

Hope today has been helpful!



