A dietitian for 20 years now, my goal in life is to inspire people to change their lifestyle to live a healthy life in order to prevent disease while still healthy. Failing at times because people might not be ready to make the necessary changes, I often wonder what the trigger point is. What power motivates people to want to eat healthily, to want to eat clean food, to want to nourish their bodies and to want to give their bodies the vital nutrients it needs to function optimally?

The answer is LOVE.

First, we have to love our body to be able to nourish it and by loving it we will automatically protect it and take care of it as we would protect and take care of the people we love. My advice for you today is to love yourself!

  • Love yourself enough so that you feel this strong inner desire to nourish it.
  • Respect it, as it is the only body you will ever have, and believe me, it is fragile, and it needs your protection.

Stay tuned and follow our short nutrition & health posts for info on how to be healthy and feel great!   

Christina x

Nutrition Can Heal 


