We need to continue being positive and see this as an opportunity to slow down and really focus on the things that really matter. Yes, we are living in really difficult times but the key here is to keep moving both physically and mentally. It is essential to keep the faith and trust that better times are coming! The human brain is far more capable than what we give it credit for and we need to make it work to its full capacity.

For most of my adult life it’s been matter over mind but over the last year I’m finding out that it is indeed mind over matter! Let’s face it guys…this is our current normal and we must make do!

So with all the above said I have decided to learn how to practise YOGA! I know, it’s nothing new for many of you out there but I have never had the time to actually do it. I’ve been exercising for the most part of my life and since I’m a huge fan of Pilates, deciding to start it now seemed very normal. I know there’s plenty of YouTube videos out there but I made the conscious decision and downloaded a paid app on my phone called Yoga Wave because I am a bit of ‘freak’ when it comes to schedules. This app makes a note when I exercise and reminds me when my next session will be. I got to choose my instructor based on a short bio and I also chose the type of class I wanted to take. Currently I’m doing a flexibility boost one!  And that’s that. It’s like having my own personal instructor, noting down what I like and how intense I want my session to be! I do it for 30’ a day and during that time, because I’m constantly reminded to focus on my breathing, I think of nothing else and that’s great. I get to escape from the current situation and focus on what’s coming!

Find things that make you happy and give you a way out…get out of this feeling of depression and try living and being happy with what you have now…because now is what it’s important!

Till next week…



