While I was studying for the ICAEW Chartered Accountant 3 year course, specifically during and prior to exam period I used my ‘positive mind set’, goal setting skills and many other techniques described in the book. It was only 2 years ago that I felt that this information could be formulated to help people!

In short, ‘How to pass exams the cool way: A short guide through personal development’ contains all the tactics, life hacks, and skills I used in order to pass my Chartered Accountant course; skills I still use to this day, whenever I’m preparing for a presentation, a sales pitch or giving a speech (and in many cases in my everyday life). The book is focused around exams but as you read each chapter and try out what is written for yourself, I am sure you will only benefit in many areas of your life.

Research by psychologists’ show that people who tend to see themselves as the controller of their own fate, that is, “self-motivated,” are more likely to feel a sense of control when external factors affect them. Instead of blaming something or someone else, they deal with a problem and look for a reasonable solution. This positive behaviour helps them to achieve goals and keep moving forward.

“How to pass exams: The cool way. A short guide through self development” is for anyone who wants to improve themselves and in doing so preparing successfully for anything: exams, presentations, a competitive game, an interview, and the biggest test of all, life!

Here is a sneak peak of what is included in the intro:

… I only wish to point out that with a few simple tactics, tips, and life-hacks we can do many things others think of as impossible.

Students tend to believe that life should come to a pause during exam periods. Or that going out for a drink during exams means they don’t care enough to pass. This is the social norm; rules of behaviour that are considered acceptable in a group or society.

This short guide, with its laser focus and other applied skills which are needed during studying, will earn you a well-deserved drink! You will be a master of your own life!

The first thing to do is remind yourself that at the end of the day they’re your exams, your results, and your life; and no matter what people tell you, you have to live with the consequences. Therefore, the first step to realise is that the effort you put into your studying is for yourself and for no one else.

…I only have one request from you. Read this book with an open mind and use the tips I talk about only as you see fit. Knowledge on its own is useless. It is the application of knowledge which will take your life to the next level.

A couple of years ago, I went to a personal-development seminar whereby I obtained valuable insight and advice. But it was something simple that made an impact on me and is still with me today.

Whether you are reading a book or attending a seminar always pick up 2 tips, pieces of advice, or techniques and start applying them immediately. With just 2 new applicable skills you can change the course of your life.


However, I fully acknowledge that every person is different and you should love yourself for your individuality and not everything can or will be applied to you. Therefore, hopefully, you can get the essence of what is written here and tailor-make it to your personality….”

I truly hope you gain value from this book and I would love to hear from you after you’ve read it J 

Fotis x




