It’s that time of year again!! December has come and with it all the joys (or sorrows) of Christmas. We know that Santa Claus is ready to hit the town and we are all looking forward to it, but is this all what Christmas is about, really? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows and turkey dinners with family and friends? Is this really Christmas?
Don’t get me wrong – I love all the Christmas lights and dinners and unwrapping presents is my favourite thing to do! All I’m saying is that Christmas is more than this. It’s called the “season of love and understanding” for a reason, and this reason is love and generosity.
One of life’s most basic laws is that “every single act of love, kindness and generosity will multiply and return to you many times over “. What this really means is that the more you give the happier you will feel!
Having said that let me introduce you to some alternative gifting ideas for this Christmas that will make both you and the receiver, as happy as it can get!
- Buy gifts that help others: Instead of buying your kids a new I-pad or I-phone, try to show them how they can give gifts to their friends and family that could actually help others, an excellent representation of the true value of Christmas. I’m not saying not to buy anything for your loved ones – just try buying something less expensive such as a small toy, a book or some clothes. Tell them that the money you’ve spent on their gift was actually more, but only a portion for them was spent on the present they’ve just unwrapped. Let them know that with the rest of the money a valuable present was bought for someone who is truly in need: sick children, literacy groups and less fortunate children around the world. Be the example they need and watch them grow to become responsible and caring adults.
- Get involved in charity work: So many charities need extra help during Christmas time and there are numerous ways in which you can get involved. Pack boxes of food at a local charity, volunteer at Christmas bazaars that give money to families in need, help deliver Christmas gifts to the less fortunate or find charities that help children receive everything they need. You’ll be filled with love right away, and trust me it’s worth it!
- Donate clothes, shoes and toys: Christmas is a great time to get the kids to hit the playroom and pack up boxes of old toys they no longer use. You can also pack any clothes and shoes that you no longer use and donate them to hospitals, local charities, or any family that may need them. I mean, come on! You don’t really need a dozen of black trainers, or the bag you haven’t used for the past 2 years! Just think of it as making room for the new!
- Pay a visit to the elderly: If you’re lucky enough to have your grandparents in your life, don’t forget to visit them, hug them and kiss them this Christmas. Spend some time with them, and you’ll see that your visit will brighten up your day and their life.
You have something to give to everyone, and this is what Christmas is all about. Very often it’s not money or belongings that people need, it’s the things that can’t be seen, such as a kind word, compliments or a smile. Fill your heart with love by giving joy to others, because this is life’s most precious gift and it doesn’t cost a thing!
Merry Christmas!