I am convinced that people are divided in two categories: the ones who love summer and the ones who hate it.  If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know by now that I belong to the first category and that summer is certainly my season.  I mean, okay, it’s not like I’m into water sports or anything but I could definitely be lying on the beach, tanning and drinking mojitos for the rest of my life.

It’s the only period in my life that I’m super chilled, sitting on my sun-bed, reading a book and observing the people around me.  I love the colours on girls’ swimsuits, the way they bring out their personal style in their kaftans and beach bags… Some have that don’t give a damn about what anyone would think of me vibe, whilst some others try way too hard

To me, the beach is the ultimate place for complete relaxation and calmness and if there are any “fashion rules” that need to be followed, it is these:

  1. Wear our swimsuit (I know, I’m a genius):

It could be a bikini, a monokini or a swim hoodie; it doesn’t matter. I know that finding the ideal swimsuit can be quite stressful, especially if you haven’t been eating your vegetables and you weren’t exactly going to the gym as frequently as you said you would (oops!). The perfect swimwear must suit your body type and make you feel sexy and confident, which sounds just as hard as it really is. I’ve been struggling for years to realise that confidence comes in all shapes and sizes and you don’t really need to try to camouflage anything; when you feel good, you look goodguaranteed!

  1. Put on your SPF – not your makeup:

Honestly, I’m not being judgemental here: I used to be that girl on the beach with an obvious face full of makeup a few years ago (even though my ex thought that my eyelashes were naturally curved!). It was all in natural tones, but still…  My skin was suffocating with all that makeup under the sun.

I totally get it if you’re too sassy or too insecure to leave your house in bare skin but I assure you that you look just fine with only your sun-cream on.  Buy an SPF with added colour if it makes you feel better (that’s what I do) and embrace your natural beauty; trust me, you’ll be looking really young and fresh. 

  1. Keep it simple:

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a super flamboyant beach outfit when I’m in the mood: giant hat, Hollywood shades and a sheer kaftan.  All I’m saying is that your kaftan doesn’t need a leather belt, you don’t have to wear heels to the beach and unless you are holding a beach zipper a clutch bag is a little bit too much.  Simplicity is the key, girls! Always!

I love summer for many reasons; the clothes are lighter, our skin is tanned and our mood is so much better. (Well, cocktails by the beach and summer parties are some pretty good reasons too.) So, girls, don’t worry about your outfit, worry about what your next drink is going to be!



