I’ve already told you that I’m a makeup addict and there’s a reason why! Okay, I mean I totally love creating shapes and depths on my face and I admit that red lipstick gives me life… However, the main reason I don’t get out of my car without makeup is the dark circles under my eyes. 

I’ve tried to step out of my comfort zone a couple of times – NOT CUTE! People wouldn’t even say hello; they’d just say “Oh my God, what’s wrong? Have you been crying?” or “Are you tired?” – awkward as hell!  I mean, “No, guys, I just don’t have any makeup on; chill!” 

Dark circles and puffy eyes have always been a nightmare of mine and I know that covering everything up is not the healthiest solution to the problem. I was planning on doing the doctor thing but I decided to save up for my summer holidays so there’s only one way to get rid of these goddamn dark circles: I’m curing these little monsters with my DIY, zero-money and natural solutions. 

The results take longer but at least I’m 100% certain that my skin won’t go to any harm and I’ll manage to pay for that plane ticket, too! 

So, everyone: put pen to paper…

  1. Cucumber: I bet you’ve heard of this before but have you tried it? Use a few slices of cool cucumber – two for each eye and let it stay in place for 30 minutes. If you have time, repeat the ritual!

  1. Whole milk: I know it sounds really weird but the fat in whole milk helps make these dark circles disappear forever! Dip a cotton pad in cold, whole milk, squeeze the excess and apply to closed eyes. Leave it to dry for about 30 minutes, then, gently rinse the milk off with warm water.

  1. Green tea bags: My mum says “if it’s green, it’s healthy” – it took me a while to realise that she was actually talking about green tea and vegetables and notgreen absinthe, but anyway!! Green tea has antioxidants and some caffeine to stimulate blood circulation. Dip a cotton pad in cold green tea, or you can use the green tea bags directly. Squeeze the excess and put them in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes. Apply the cold green tea bags to closed eyes for 15-30 minutes.

  1. Egg white mask: Beat up an egg white until it’s totally creamy-sponge-ish and apply a thick layer under your eyes. Leave it until it’s dry and rinse off with warm water. The egg white helps tighten up the under-the-eye-zone!


  1. Coconut oil: I’ve told you before that coconut oil is a real GEM! Coconut oil is the most effective and beneficial when it comes to removing dark circles under the eyes. Put a few drops of it under your eyes and massage gently for a couple of minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This is a very simple and quick way to have efficient results, so my advice would be to do it every day! It will take 5 minutes max!

  1. Cold spoons: Since I was young, I’d open the refrigerator to get some ice and I’d find two spoons right next to the ice-cream box! Mum’s always been this kind of beauty trick diva and trust me, if there’s one thing my mum doesn’t have is dark circles! She places cold spoons on her eyes every night and honestly, it works! Freeze two spoons and sweep them under your eyes. Apply a little pressure and slowly glide the spoons toward the outer corners. The gliding movement will help drain the fluid that pools underneath your eye, while the cold spoon will minimize the puffiness. 

Hope I helped. 




