Schools are closed, events have been cancelled, employees have been stocking up and working-from-home; the whole island is on lock down mode. We currently live in a new corona-virus induced world.

During these difficult times, we should not panic. What we need to do is to remain calm and boost our immune system.

  1. Feed your body certain foods: It’s well known that some foods are indeed immune system boosters. Get some Vitamin C through citrus fruit, kiwi, almonds and red bell peppers, eat your vegetables and drink your green tea. Add some ginger on your daily food plan and choose to eat some yogurt as well. These foods will help you build a stronger immune system and they taste good as well!
  2. Exercise at home: If you’re not the jogging at 6 am kind of person, I know how you feel about this one. I haven’t been to the gym for ages and I’m really bored to start exercising at home. However, we should all start doing it. Set a goal and push yourself to exercise at least half an hour a day. Watch some online gym sessions, download some relevant apps or ask your friends. Exercising will immediately boost your immune system and make you feel better. You can “Netflix and chill” later, you have plenty of time!
  3. Sleep well: I know it’s difficult as hell to maintain a healthy sleeping routine during these times! I know! However, sleeping is a very important factor on maintaining our good health during this period. Force yourself to go to bed at night and set your alarm for the next day. Try to get a good 8-hour sleep every night and get out of bed right away in the morning. It really helps!
  4. Release your stress: We’re all stressed and it’s okay. Allow yourself to take some deep breaths and think positive. Put your yoga mattress on the floor and try out some exercises. Find some meditation exercises on You tube and just let yourself relax. Your mental health should be on top of your list, so act like it.

Take care of yourself. It’s important.

Stay healthy, safe and sane.





