Today my inspiration is Mr. Jim Kwik! I have been following him greatly over the last couple of weeks. He is a business coach, founder of Kwik Learning and author of Limitless: Upgrade your brain, learn things faster and unlock your exceptional life!

He suffered a brain injury at the age of five, which led to his slow brain performance. This limitation at a young age is what propelled him to find out about neuroscience, how our brain is wired and how to enhance its productivity!

What remained with me from one of his podcasts is the word F A S T. Fast to learn anything faster.

How to use the F.A.S.T method:

F – Forget. We must forget 3 things.

  1. Forget what we already know. Keep an open mind so to speak.
  2. Forget everything that’s not urgent or important.
  3. Forget your limitations!

A – Active. You learn by creating information and being active in the process. Asking questions and taking notes are the top ways to stay active whilst learning.

S – State. Information combined with emotion becomes long term memory. We have the control to improve ours. All learning is state-dependent! (Curiosity, enthusiasm, open-mindedness)

T – Teach. “To teach is to learn again” Simply put if you can explain it simply, meaning you’ve learned the topic. If not, keep trying!

Hope you like this cool method, I’ve been trying it to remember things I liked from books and it really works!


