Make up was popularized for the masses when the Hollywood movie industry boomed in the 1920s, and since then cosmetics sneaked into our handbags. The packaging for beauty products was always considered a valuable and prized accessory in a lady’s bag throughout history. Women lived for the moment, they would take out their powder compact to touch up their noses or their lipsticks to touch up their lips. Even though the design and aesthetic aspect of packaging has dramatically changed over the decades, its importance still remains almost untouched.

Today, we’ve seen a big increase in demand for more ecological packaging, meaning biodegradable, refillable, recyclable, reusable and non-plastic. In the past, green, clean brands would tick all the boxes on ethics and sustainability but lack on luxurious packaging. Over the past 4 years I’ve noticed a huge difference. These brands have elevated their packaging game whilst still remaining true to their values.

Have a look at my  list of my favorite eco-brands that have amazing, unique packaging designs:

No.1 – Kjaer Weis

The Scandinavians did it again. This is an all-refillable brand where the packaging is considered “a piece of jewelry” according to Kristen Kjaer Weis. You only need to buy it once and then is yours forever. Made out of exquisite, quality metal. Who wouldn’t want to show off these compacts?!







No. 2 – Manasi 7

A relatively young brand that got people talking as soon as it launched.  This Swedish luxury brand sells the majority of their products in small jars, reusable once you are done with the product inside. The jars themselves are not plastic. They are biodegradable yet durable so you can keep reusing it forever.


No. 3 – Meow Meow Tweet

Two words; adorable and cool. I could not do a post on cool packaging and not mention Meow Meow Tweet. Even though they are technically not a make up brand, they have 2 lip balms, which is the number one staple in someone’s make up bag. It’s so young and fresh, casual but clearly very artistic. The Co- Founder does all the illustrations and the packaging is mainly biodegradable cardboard with the exception of some glass bottles.

Melanie Christou 
The Green Edit

