For the last 11 years I have been putting together birthday parties for my son which resemble the run ups to mini weddings; the sort where colour and theme were of upmost importance. Those days have finally come to an end, at least for my eldest.

I’m not a party pooper but I think children’s birthday parties create a lot of stress. Stress that is entirely unnecessary when the child is too young to know the difference. This year I didn’t experience any of the stress or the need for detailed organisation that used to haunt me year after year.

Our family itself is a 20 something figure number, so imagine joining classmates and family friends, oh and let’s not forget siblings of friends too for that matter. Magicians, candy tables, catering, jumpy castles… an annual nightmare that rears its ugly head at least 3 months before the actual date. Not only is it expensive, it is also unnecessary as the costs often are incurred for cheap and wasteful decor, unwanted party favors, and junky toys bought just for the sake of buying and more often than not relegated to the bottom of the toy box or stored in the basement only to add to all the junk that is kept there.

The next headachy chore that goes to the top of the list is the changing / exchanging of gifts that your child has been given – such a waste of time and effort.

This year, the no fuss, no muss and hardly any organisation almost caused me to forget my son’s special day by arranging a meeting. Not being used to this simplicity and ease, it escaped my mind completely. A text message, (best invite invention ever) the choosing and ordering of a cake and 10 party favors were all my son and I had to do- a technicolour shift this year, truly. The reality of it all is that this intimate celebration brought him more excitement than ever because he spent the day somewhere that made him happy with his nearest and dearest, no parents, no family. And of course, we mustn’t forget what a dream come true it was for me. Determining a guest list without hurting feelings or being “overly inclusive”, finding the right location, planning all the details, and managing RSVPs (not to mention anticipating who actually shows up) has been a ridiculous amount of work. Taking that on by choice all these years, now seems downright crazy to me. Aren’t we all over-scheduled already? Easy for me to say this now that my son is all grown up but it’s a mistake I hope not to repeat.

Spending the day at the waterpark, with his special friends, a place he’d been wanting to go to all summer, was probably the best party he’s had to date. A wet and wild day full of fun and entertainment with the lads. Taking pictures and being able to enjoy the day with him reminded me again never to repeat the fuss and bother which goes hand in hand with children’s parties again. I’m sticking to small and special.


Children’s parties are not about pleasing family, inviting so called ‘friends’ or receiving lots of (unnecessary) presents. It’s not about the details and finishing touches made to impress other mothers, birthday parties are about you making your child feel special and giving them the best day possible.

