Mid-February and already gym signups are dropping! What’s going on? Why a lack of motivation?

Are your New Year’s resolutions going down the drain? At times, things may may seem a little too much to handle especially during these winter months, therefore we tend to side track and forget about our goals. Does this sound familiar?

If you have had a hard time motivating yourself lately, here are a few common reasons why your motivation may be dropping. Hope this helps!

  1. You are overwhelmed

How long is your to-do list? Are you trying to climb the corporate ladder, visit the gym daily to lose weight and be your kids mental coach in whatever championship they are competing in, all at the same time?

In comparison to modern life’s demands, our energy is not infinite. If you have too many things going on, take a step back and re prioritize.

  1. You are lacking opportunities to grow

As humans, it is only natural to want to learn and grow. If your job is repetitive and are no longer learning, lack of motivation is natural. So what can you do? Challenge yourself! Ask your manager for a chance to work on a new project. Maybe even apply for a different position? Or try something lighter like taking up a new hobby.

  1. Not taking good care of yourself

No matter how much you love what you do and how much energy you feel when you are doing it, if you aren’t looking after your physical health, your motivation may take a plunge! Overtimes and overworking can lead to you neglecting exercise, eating less healthy, and not getting enough sleep.

  1. Perfectionism or Analysis – Paralysis

Being a perfectionist is not easy to admit. It certainly is not easy to change! However, this is also tied to lack of motivation as: “Perfectionism is driven by a fear of failure, and many perfectionists procrastinate because if they don’t try in the first place, then they can’t fail to be perfect.”

There are many more reasons for lack of motivation. However, when we take a step back and try to understand what is “not motivating us”, we will find solutions and get our mojo back! Trust and motivate yourself. You ARE in control!





