On a weekend away with a bunch of girlfriends, the topic of husband, wife and relationships came up. Having our aperitivos, we started talking about how much we needed this much awaited break from our families to recharge and unwind. This led to what romantic gestures we do for other halves. It is difficult to think romance when having to cope with a full plate of everything but finding ways to bring back the spark to what is seen as boring teamwork is 100% necessary.

So, on holiday we brainstormed ways to bring back the romance inexpensively but thoughtfully. A heart emoji sent randomly during the day shows how much you care piped up one of the girls.

Inspired by my dearest friend Angie from work, who created the most thoughtful gift for me on my birthday, (post loading) I told the girls what I did for hubs this year. Deciding not to involve the children in my little romantic gesture on Valentine’s day, I made my man feel super special and loved. Isn’t that what we all need?

 Looking back at the highlights of what we had shared on our girlie holiday they all said the best was what I had told them. So, I thought I’d share. We all need a kick up the arse sometimes.

Having hubs as my valentine for 25 years,  I decided to write 25 reasons on 25 cards why I loved him. ‘How did you think of 25 things?’ asked one of the girls, ‘I can’t possibly think of so many!’ she continued. But once you put pen to paper, the moments, habits and small little things which we take for granted pour out. I put the cards into small envelopes, numbered them but decided last minute not to give them to him all at once on Valentine’s day. Instead I hid them in places and told him after giving him 5 cards that he had another 20 to find. He loved it! I hid them in different places, which I knew would put a smile on his face every time he found one.

So, the moral of this post is, share your thoughts and ideas with your friends because bouncing off ideas with girl pals for romantic gestures gives you food for thought. It doesn’t cost money to be romantic and thoughtful and it goes a really long way!




