Having a child is not as easy as it once. Nowadays fertility issues affect up to 15% of couples. A number of toxic chemicals that enter the body through the food chain act as hormone disruptors causing polycystic ovary syndrome, hormonal imbalances and obesity.

Luckily, you can boost your fertility by simply following a natural diet and adopting lifestyle changes.

Simple steps to boost fertility:

  1. Increase your intake of antioxidant rich foods.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that damage both sperm and egg cells. A study that followed 60 couples undergoing IVF found that taking an antioxidant supplement resulted in an increase in conception chance of 23%. A great way to boost your antioxidant protection is by including berry smoothies in your diet as often as possible. New studies also show that supplementing with coenzyme Q10, the body’s master antioxidant helped improve sperm movement in infertile men and improve egg quality in women. Ubiquinol is the active form of coenzyme Q10 and research shows it is better to supplement with this form of Q10 as it is easily absorbed, it is more bioavailable and is 8 times more potent than the inactive form of Q10, known as ubiquinone.

  1. Reduce carb intake.

Women who have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome should follow a low carbohydrate diet to balance insulin levels and testosterone. In a large observational study it was found that as carbohydrate intake increased, the risk of infertility also increased. It is particularly important to emphasize that the type of carbohydrates eaten also affects fertility. Eating a diet high in refined carbs raises insulin levels and increases the risk of infertility.

  1. Increase vitamin E intake by eating more healthy fats.

A vitamin found in healthy fats is vital for fertility. Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol, which in Greek means “to bring tokos = fertility”. So the name of the vitamin itself is synonymous to fertility. Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin which means it is found in large amounts in foods which are rich in healthy fats. Foods rich in vitamin E include olive oil, avocados and nuts, so make sure to include them in your diet.

Christina x






