And suddenly I noticed a pile of accessory junk on my dressing table! Just when had it accumulated into such a huge heap? My bits and bobs mounted into piles of dusty rings, necklaces, bangles, friendship bracelets and earrings that had been worn and recycled over the summer. It was now time for them to be put back into the right place.

What normally triggers off this blitz of a decision is the buying of something new and it needing to find a home. BOOM! This demands that all jobs are put on hold to tidy up, sort out and put away months of accessories which are now unwanted clutter.

It was one of those hectic as usual mid-mornings; all outside trivial jobs were put on hold so I could make my dressing table breathable again.

Whether it is the new season, getting ready for a wardrobe change, or simply getting rid of stuff, you get that ‘on top of the world’ buzz once it’s done. It’s the same when tidying anything up in your home (wardrobes, makeup, kitchen cabinets, bookshelves) you get that ‘holier than thou’ feeling.

So, a dressing table is one of those objects in a room that often is neglected and ends up being an accumulation of a chaotic Potpourri.

Here are a few dresser tips to get you feeling happy and organised.


  • T O S S   O L D   P R O D U C T S. Be ruthless.

Those rusty bobby pins and expired mascaras do not deserve valuable real estate in your beautifully organized new way of life. Get rid of ‘em!


  • M I X   A N D  M A T C H

Section off lips face and eyes by using pretty storage containers:


  • A C C E S S O R I E S   A R E   P R E T T Y  –  L O O K I N G.

There are plenty of ways to put them on display – use transparent boxes or simple trays to organize your jewelry, bracelets or head pieces. We all know that if you hide them inside the drawers, you just won’t wear them!



  • H I D E  T H E  N O T- S O- C U T E   S T U F F  (like Q-tips)

Sure, those vintage Parisian perfume bottles on display are so pretty, but some of your more utilitarian necessities are not meant to be seen. To keep those items out of sight  pick up a dressing table for your bedroom with smart storage if your bathroom cannot store these things.

  • U S E   U N C O N V E N T I O N A L   I T E M S…

Like a cake stand for your perfumes, and take advantage of unused vertical space.


  • S H O W C A S E    Y O U R   P  E R S O N A L I T Y

How to turn your morning routine into a moment of Zen? Keep a few non-beauty trinkets in plain sight by adding luxury pieces.








