Our lives have been upended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though some measures have been lifted we’re still mainly cooped up at home, with rising tensions as family members deal with stress differently. Economic pressures cause anxiety. And there are daily decisions to make about food sourcing, safety, and dealing with elderly family members. Yet there’s a lot of positivity, too. I can see changes daily and it brings me so much pleasure. I’m renewing connections with friends and family through online meetings and calls. My family and I are taking walks in the neighbourhood (something we never used to do, I actually feel so much more at home at home). Generally, we are reviving forgotten hobbies like painting, sewing, and gardening. And children are playing (or rather finding time to play) once again in the neighbourhood, a long forgotten, simple, pastime which they wouldn’t do before Covid but instead reminds me of my childhood. 

It takes creativity and intention to walk through this storm with calmness, but it is possible. We have been through the worst part, we have a little longer to go so here is:

A balanced approach to reduce anxiety. 

Even the strongest person will struggle with all the changes in society and lifestyle happening right now. What is the key to keeping you and your family emotionally healthy? Here are some tips based on the acronym BALANCED to help you stay calm and keep your feet firmly planted:  

  • Be present. Avoid wondering “what if?” which can lead to frightening scenarios in your head. Instead, focus your mind on today’s needs and remain in the moment.
  • Acknowledge thoughts and feelings. Notice “my thoughts are worrisome right now” and “I’m feeling anxious.” Don’t let the feelings overwhelm you, but examine the reasons behind the fear. If there’s nothing you can fix, practice letting the feelings go.
  • Funny memes, videos, and movies are great medicine right now. Share them with friends, or watch with family as a bonding activity. 
  • Acknowledge challenges. Notice when there are challenges in your life, and face them squarely. Then, speak confident words of affirmation to yourself. You’re smart and you can handle them. 
  • Needs assessment. Make a plan in advance about how to meet your needs and those of your partner or family. It’ll reduce anxiety if curveballs come.
  • Controlled action. Focus only on what you can control right now. Take action steps to solve any problems instead of fretting over them.
  • Engage in physical activity. Do a workout with your partner explore the great outdoors.
  • Distance physically, not emotionally. Social distancing doesn’t mean you close yourself off emotionally from friends and family. In troubling times, people crave connection. Catch up with an old friend or an extended family member on the phone or via a meetings app. 

Overall, it’s OK to feel extra-human right now with all of the mixed and shifting emotions you’re prone to. Grounding yourself in a balanced approach will help you savor the moment and deal effectively with today’s problems, which are enough for today.  

Maria x


