Some people describe Italian wines as hard to handle, but eternal to love. In other words, one can identify honesty and heritage embedded in them.

Italian grape varieties such as: Sangiovese, Nebbiolo, and Barbera for reds and Pinot Grigio for whites, are considered as trademarks in the Italian Wine culture. Along with the varieties, this country is recognised by its distinctive regions such as Piemonte, Veneto, Tuscany, which enables wine lovers to obtain a serious sense of place and culture of the country.

As the chapter of Italian wines is enormous, in today’s article we’ll have a brief look at the house, whose motto is “Love is in the Bottle”. BAVA’s aromatic wines, from Asti in Piedmont, which many of you are already familiar with:

  1. BAVA Malavasia – AKA “The sexiest wine in the world


Made completely from the aromatic grape variety: Malvasia of Schierano

To the eye, a brilliant rose colour with sparkling reflections. A must-have wine for every happy occasion!

To the nose, it is a surprisingly aromatic wine with an intense fruity aroma of wild red roses and strawberries. It is a powerful taste which reminds us of dark fleshy cherries and wild strawberries. It brings a smile to every face! J

  1. BAVA Moscato D’Asti – gives you the “WOW” effect


Made completely from the aromatic grape variety: White Moscato of Canelli

An elegant wine with an explosive bouquet of flowers and exotic fruits takes your breath away. Sweet, with exceptional and well-balanced acidity its small bubbles in the mouth give it a generous crispiness, while also bringing out the finesse and elegance of a very aromatic, white wine. So typical of Italy’s Moscato grapes.

  1. BAVA Rosetta – ideal for all the “wild roses lovers”

An extraordinary wine from the world-renowned aromatic grape variety: Malvasia of Schierano

A wine to-die-for (or let’s say to live for)! Rosetta is a pleasant surprise: a wine full of bouquet of aromas of wild roses and strawberries. Overall it is considered as a sweet/dessert wine. However, balance is what characterizes it the most due to its high acidity and velvety, round tannins.

Take the time to discover expressive Italian wines made from indigenous varieties, as they are part of the most extraordinary wines in the world. Tasting more and more wines, is a good way to start. Try to identify what’s so unique about each label you discover.

See you next week!

Cheers, Santé and Yiamas..

Until then.. Strike for a glass half full !

Nicole x

*SPECTUS is welcoming the man behind the label “BAVA”, Mr Roberto Bava. His honoree visit to Cyprus will include two “out-of-the-box” presentations, one in Nicosia November 22nd and one in Limassol November 23rd. He will also be at the SPECTUS annual anniversary Gala Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel, in Limassol, on the 24th of November. A unique wine and food pairing so special, that will blow your mind.




