Picture taken at “Chateau de Chenonceau” a very magical Disney like place”.

 This past week wifey and myself have been making a list of favourite Disney movies to see when winter kicks in. If you know your Disney you know that such a list cannot be complete without, “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”, “Mary Poppins” (looking forward to the remake, btw) “The Sound of Music”, “Oliver Twist” and not forgetting the classic animations “Pinocchio” and “The Lion King”.

Although I can blog about each film and my favourite parts I want to focus on that magical feeling we have when watching anything Disney. For children, everything is or can be magical, every corner has a hidden adventure and even the dullest stone can be turned into an imaginary diamond that holds inside a ‘whole new world’ (Aladdin).

Often our imagination and the belief in “magic” fades into nonexistence as we grow older. Subconsciously, we kill every inch of enthusiasm we hold inside us and with it every chance of being creative. Making the magic live on is in our hands, self-improvement, being positive and making the most of each moment ends up having a positive influence on your life and the people around you.

As Walt Disney puts it: “The real trouble with the world is that too many people grow up.”

How to unlock and bring back the magic in your life:

  1. Believe in magic however old you are. Open up to the possibilities.
  2. Be present. Have you ever seen the light shining from children’s souls when they are playing? Do you think they are thinking of job related issues or what food they are having for dinner? As adults we tend to overthink and divide our attention into what we are currently doing and what we will do. Live in the present as much as possible and don’t miss out on the magic of the moment.
  3. Cultivate an attitude for gratitude. Be thankful for all you but never stop pursuing the things that you want. Gratitude is the foundation upon which magic is born!
  1. Play more, reconnect with your inner child and get a little curious. Take up a new hobby, visit a new place and most importantly let go sometimes, relax and have fun.
  1. Accept the unknown. Due to social programming we tend to expect the worst in unknown situations. Shift your thoughts to the best in life and fear not of the unknown.

Walt Disney knew that inside every grown-up is a child craving to dream freely again. With no dreams or a little magic then what are we really doing?

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”



