Inspired by my latest read “The obstacle is the way” by Ryan Holiday (a favorite author of mine).

In his book Ryan Holiday explains 3 basic pillars when it comes to obstacles. (Perception, Action, Will)

Perception: We must try our best to understand what it is that we are facing. To try and see things clearly without getting stuck on detail.

The moment when we face an obstacle, steadying our nerves, controlling our emotions and practicing objectivity can be miraculous.

  • Alter your perspective and see things in a different light. You will be surprised how easily an “issue” transforms into an opportunity!
  • If it is NOT up to you, let it be. Some things are out of our control. It is what it is!

Action: Once we have perceived and identified exactly what the obstacle is, we must take action towards it.

  • At this hard moment, you must channel your energy and use it wisely.
  • Note that you should not take action when you are an emotional wreck! That is why perception comes first.

Will: When you feel like running out of steam, your sheer can drive you forward.

  • Strengthen your mind by allowing only the good thoughts to come to you!
  • Even when everyone might talk against what you are doing, consciously work on your willpower and that will take you accross the finishing line.

“There is no good or bad without us, there is only perception. There is the event itself and the story we tell ourselves about what it means.” Ryan Holiday.



