A quickie introduction!

I’m not one for choosing cookery books, I always get it wrong! Too dense, too many ingredients, too many measurements, or simply too much choice! Domestic goddess is not my middle name and that explains why I spend little time in the kitchen exercising my creativity and skills. Saying that, when I do get round to it, I do a good job or at least that’s what my husband tells me but he’s biased of course!

Tried, tested and recommended recipes are what I like. I am surrounded by people who inspire me in all sorts of ways and here, I will share their recipes with you. Recipes which I love, use and have snatched are all compiled into my food folders at home! Let’s not forget, all recipes come from somewhere and have been altered and adjusted from person to person. My archive will be formed on that basis.

Let’s dig into Wednesday Morning Coffee’s cookbook. Each recipe is dedicated.

Mrs. Miroulla’s Roasted Chicken and Potatoes

I don’t know what Mrs. Miroulla does (mother in law) but her ‘Psito’ as she calls it, (roasted chicken and potatoes in Greek) is worth every bite. Crunchy, tasty and succulent we, her family, are unable to get enough of her rotisserie like chicken and roasted potatoes. We eat this meal for lunch on most Saturdays and I have tried making it a couple of times too. Like hers though, there is no other!

Jot it down:

Feeds approx.: 8 people


• Whole chicken
• 6/7 large potatoes peeled
• Salt
• Pepper
• Paprika
• 2/3 short cinnamon sticks
• 1 glass Sun flour oil
• ½ glass Water


Wash whole chicken well and place it in a large baking tray. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut them in half or in quarters if they are very big and add them to the tray. The chicken should be in the middle. Add the salt, pepper, cinnamon and paprika according to taste. Pour the oil then water into the tray. Cook in oven at 185 degrees with air. After 30 minutes turn the chicken and potatoes over and add more paprika. If the liquids have been evaporated add some water so as not to dry out. Cook until roasted. If you need to repeat and turn again and sprinkle more paprika, do so until golden brown.


