I am a firm believer that age is just a number.

An awesome and personal example is that of my grandmother. She is now in her 80s and she swims in the sea every morning, goes for long walks on mountain trails, writes journals daily and has written several books, helps with charity fanatically, and she’s in a choir!

People used to tell me, you’re grandma has superwomen skills. But my question is this: Is she keeping her brain young by creating new neuropathways? The answer is yes! Without even realizing what she is doing, she keeps her self energized and mentally alert.

What if you could consciously tap into such habits that keep your brains young and active?

If you feel like age is just a number and are not happy about age bias, read on.

Your brain is only as old as you think it is. According to the latest neuroscience on the topic of brain aging there some realities and some myths.

Myth 1 – We lose 1% of our brain cells yearly after our late 20s.

Reality – We only lose about 4% by the time we get to 70, 80.

Myth 2 – Our dead neurons cannot be replaced with new ones.

Reality – Like an exercised muscle, our brain can grow new neurons with mental and physical exercise well into old age.

So, given those 2 realities, here is a list of things you can do to keep your brain from aging:

  1. Read new books or learn new things.
  2. Try “mental exercise” like Sudoku, or word puzzles
  3. Move your body! Physical exercise increases connections between brain cells.
  4. Eat brain healthy foods. Seek out our own Christina’s (https://nutritioncanheal.com/) advice on this!
  5. Rest!

The above list is not to be done in a one-off fashion. It is there to help you create new habits and keep that beautiful brain young!





