We all know what today is: February 14th , the day of chocolates, roses and heart-festooned greeting cards. It’s the date that has caused some serious polarization among people – some hate it whilst others just live for this day!

Personally, I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s day. Don’t get me wrong; I’m the kind of girl who loves romantic dates, roses and small out-of-the-blue gifts. What I’m trying to point out here is that relationships should always have romance, Valentine’s day or not. 

Despite this, I understand and sympathise with people who have no idea how to spend this goddamn day, what is right or wrong and what they should do. It’s pretty obvious that Valentine’s day brings the stress out of everyone! You have to be romantic but not cheesy, spontaneous but not unprepared, relaxed but not too relaxed… The struggle is real and the clock is ticking…

I feel you, I totally do – so let me help you out:

  1. Go on a second first date: Don’t pick a random, five course meal restaurant to spend Valentine’s day with your loved one. Go down memory lane and recreate your first date. Book the same table, order the same wine and reminisce on where it all began. End the night with a romantic walk on the beach. ( …cos we have one here!)


  1. Cook their favourite meal: Put your cooking apron on and get to work. Cook your lover’s favourite meal (or just order it – not judging) and light a candle or two to create a romantic atmosphere in the house. Make Valentine’s day special by considering the preparations for food, drinks and activities that you might want. It will add a personal touch to your date and you’ll have some quality time with your other half. 

  1. Plan a special outing: Go see a movie, a concert or play, watch or even play a sport that you both love! I bet there’s something that both of you have wanted to do for quite a while, but have never had the time to do it. Think of an activity that you don’t get to do together often, and just go for it!


  1. Surprise your date: In order to have a winner night, you have to consider the element of surprise. Get your significant other a gift – small or big it doesn’t matter as long as it’s thoughtful and try to set up a romantic treasure hunt. Hide your gift and leave notes or clues all over the house and let them find it! This small game will spice things up and you’ll get to see how a simple evening at home can be the best date ever. 

  1. Make a funny card: Valentine’s day cards should be funny. That’s a rule! Try making a card with folded paper, markers, pens and any other decorative elements you want to make it personal and unique. Find some funny quotes about Valentine’s day and make it your logo. Inside you could, of course, write your heart out if you want to, or else write a simple “I love you”. It works every time. 

Unless you and your partner adore flowers and chocolates, spare yourself this  Valentine’s day. The best gift for Valentine’s day is an experience gift. Spend some quality time together, doing something new and exciting.





