It’s Boxing Day and I hope you are enjoying the holiday season!

During Christmas it’s indeed very difficult to navigate ourselves through the mountains of food surrounding us and very easy to overindulge in delicious, festive, seasonal food.

It’s perfectly OK to indulge on occasion without feeling the guilt! It’s important to enjoy what you are eating, to eat mindfully and make sure you eat healthy most of the time, especially in between dinners and parties. 

Plan your day or week around the parties and events you are attending and schedule some healthy, low-calorie meals inbetween. For example, if you have a dinner party you can have a vegetable soup, a chicken salad, fish served with cooked vegetables or another healthy and light option for lunch.

Allow yourself to also indulge in your favourite foods or desserts but be aware of the portion you are having. Don’t eat simply because others around you are, but choose to indulge in foods you really love!

During the Christmas don’t forget to eat your fruits and veggies, as they are low in calories, high in fiber and have lots of valuable nutrients and they help you have a balanced diet. During festive meals try filling half of your plate with vegetables. 

Lastly, be aware of the calories in alcoholic drinks. If you are going to be out or at a party for many hours, make sure between drinks to have a few full glasses of water. This will help you stay hydrated, avoid headaches and feeling bad the next day but also help you avoid taking in big amounts of calories.

This year, indulge in your favorite foods without the guilt and make sure you eat sensibly in between and most importantly throughout the year!

Happy Holidays 

